
Exclusive interviews, stories, art and more.

Nick Woof
Interview by
Mark Morrow
Photography by
Ark Saroj
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LONDON – I first heard about the London circle-jerk club BatorBro from a friend who made it sound a little like a tantric yoga workshop – a New Age approach to an old way of getting off. On a Sunday afternoon I went to Hackney to check it out for myself. In a large warehouse space bathed in red light, I sat in a circle of chairs with a few dozen men – old, young, and of all sizes – naked or wearing just underwear. As we went around introducing ourselves, the tone was sober and friendly, like a horny AA meeting. The room filled with dick and small talk. Eventually, two ‘bulls’ took position in the center, where volunteers came up and took turns edging them. Coaching the action was Nick Woof, founder and self-described ‘conductor’ of ‘Europe’s premiere edging event.’ A few weeks later, I met Nick at his flat, surrounded by toys, poppers, and jars of Albolene, and asked him to unload his story.

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Published on 05 June 2024
Mermaid of Fire
Interview by
Mark Morrow
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Zipolite, an idyllic village on Mexico’s Oaxacan coast, has been a hotbed of hippies and queers since the 1970s – but recent years have brought tidal waves of gays to the tiny pueblo. Sooner or later, they end up at Playa del Amor, the notorious cruising beach, where local women sell beer and tequila shots from straw hut ‘palapas,’ and the rocky coves fill up with cocksucking after dark. At the witching hour, the brightest light on the Playa is Misael Fuentes, who performs nude fire dances for the horny crowd. Misael, a self-described ‘streetwalker,’ now calls himself ‘Sirena del Fuego’ or ‘Mermaid of Fire,’ and when I met him on the beach on a balmy March evening, it was hard not to feel charmed.

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Published on 30 April 2024
Photography by
Maciek Worosilek
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Size matters. Often, its a question of scale. We were so gagged to see Maciek Worosilak wallpaper his models in old issues of BUTT, for his project to recreate the bedrooms of other queer Polish immigrants at 1:12 scale, that we asked him to make us one with the new issue. Now, the architectural wiz has made our HQ dreams come true, adding a sexy basement bar and darkroom for after-work play. You can find all the asses and faces from BUTT no. 34 inside – even a Barbies. From tiny dildos to blindfolds and handcuffs, theres something in the House of BUTT for all the dolls and the gays. We visited Macieks studio at Londons Royal College of Art for a full-service tour of the place.

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Published on 11 April 2024
Photography by
Michael André
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“Locked top” isn't an oxymoron for CagedJock. For the past nine years, the hunky New York-based pornstar has been pursuing his dream of an (almost) dickless world, dispensing chastity advice and XXL strap-on dildos to the bottoms of the internet. He told us how locking up has changed his physiology and what you can expect to find in his dungeon-for-rent.

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Published on 02 February 2024
Frogs, Fruits and Loads
Nick Crowe

Are you carnal and carnivorous? This Sex Review, a moveable feast from London to rural Eastern Bulgaria, has plenty of sweet and unsavory moments: a plague of frogs, a visit to a witch doctor, and two farmhands getting fruity in a cherry orchard...

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Published on 25 January 2024
Muddy Buck
Photography by
Muddy Buck
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You think you’re dirty? The anonymous couple behind “Muddy Buck” may have you beat. Both men share a primordial desire to submerge themselves in ooze — a substance they mix themselves at home in an elaborate pit, and which they say makes for safe, slick lube. Their videos have gained them a sizable following on Twitter @Muddy_Buck and UMD.net, the online home of “wet and messy” enthusiasts. “Feeding the Mud my seed is the act of completing the Mud-to-man bond,” they told BUTT via DM. Let that sink in...

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Published on 17 January 2024
Jack Pierson
Interview by
Alex Needham
Photography by
Bruno Staub
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Jack Pierson began his art practice by cutting and pasting porno collage from the stacks of discarded skinmags he'd scavenge at flea markets in New York in the eighties. By the mid-nineties, he was collecting abandoned signage from the demolition intended to clean up Times Square, and putting together the text-based sculptures for which he's probably most well known. Not one to limit his own artistic expression, Jack began photographing with a snapshot aesthetic that straddles the line between commercial and art photography — he's created installations, paintings and drawings too. At the age of fifty-five, he's busy with his own zine called Tomorrow's Man, now on its third issue, and snowbirding to the Florida to catch that golden hour lighting so prized by photographers. Alex Needham interviewed Jack in his grand, but cosy East Village flat, where the walls are covered in pictures and the art books are piled high.

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Published on 01 January 2016
Sink the Pink
Photography by
Jack Pierson
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Jack Pierson would be the first to tell you: his rose-tinted worldview is best seen in the pages of handsome bound volume, or simply ripped out of a magazine. For this exclusive series, in which the photographer has generously shared his archive of male nudes and portraiture, a screen will have to do. The series also includes images and spreads from his most recent publication called Tomorrow's Man, a kind of psychedelic meditation on the physique pictorial.

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Published on 30 December 2015
Armpits of Berlin
Photography by
George Nebieridze
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‘Was this the scent launched by a thousand men, and burnt the topless towers of Berlin? Here I dwell, for heaven is in these pits, and all is dross that does not perspire.’ So says Nicolas, who is first up in the armpit portrait series by Berliner George Nebieridze. Surely that city is a melting pot of sweet pit odors and intoxicating pheromones. Photographer George also finds the shape of the body spectacular when the armpits are displayed.

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Published on 28 December 2015
Writer and Rough Sleeping Stud Bond over Mutual Love of Crack
Text by

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON — I was on a cross-country train trip. I’d spent the morning exploring the city, so I took the afternoon to chill at the hostel and do laundry. The laundry room was off the hallway and behind a door, quiet and private. I didn’t have many clothes left, so I stripped down to just my shorts and threw it all in.

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Published on 25 December 2015
Get Read
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Time to snuggle up on the cum couch and completely lose yourself in the pleasures of a seductive page-turner. This season, I'm gushing over three photo books, two fictional paperbacks, a couple works of non-fiction, and a favorite zine.

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Published on 23 December 2015
Growers & Showers
Text by
Danny Calvi
Photography by
Whit Forrester
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Up in Mendicino County, California, there's a hella-lush farm where all kinds of yummy varieties of bud can be found. Photographer Whit Forrester went there to see the workings of the farm, and to document the connection between medicinal cannabis and the queer community...

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Published on 21 December 2015
Photography by
Riley Johnson
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Talk about waking and baking... Ryan woke up next to Riley (who also has an ass to die for, by the way) and packed a bowl of Sour Diesel from SPARC, San Francisco's 'premier' cannabis dispensary. More on that topic, as well as some more growers and showers, in the near future. Apparently, Riley is also an actual baker, like baking bread and muffins kind of baker.

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Published on 11 December 2015
Paul Soileau
Interview by
John Galvin
Photography by
Conrad Ennis
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Performer Paul Soileau (his last name's pronounced 'swallow', but with the accent on the second syllable) has been blowing people's minds as drag-mare on Elmstreet, Christeene, for the last five or six years, ever since she elbowed her way onto the stage in 2010. He's had bit parts in films, like in Steven Soderbergh's Out of Sight where he played opposite George Clooney and J. Lo, as a feisty prison whore named Lulu. Last year, he played against type — that is, as a boy — in the Roddy Bottom Sasquatch opera. But the raunchy, toxic and almost childlike rap act Christeene seems to be the one character who has been burned most permanently into his fan's minds. On the heels of his North American tour with Peaches, Paul spills the beans on his drag terrorist phenomenon from his adopted hometown of Austin, Texas.

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Published on 27 November 2015
Photography by
Christopher Clary
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Over at digital art wet spot Rhizome, Jersey-based artist Christopher Clary has uploaded a kind of desktop drama in the form of a collection of DILF-a-licious jpegs. The download, called 'Sorry to Dump on You Like This', is one of six works commissioned by Rhizome that invites the act of downloading, and uses the desktop as exhibition space.

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Published on 18 November 2015
Photography by
Stathis Geo
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On the November splash page: slice o’ass courtesy of Stathis ‘Not Without My Calvins’ Geo in Athens, Greece. He photographed Vasillis’ tempting buns in his most treasured pair — with holes in all the right places — of Calvin Klein underwear. Stathis tells BUTT: ‘November is a month of big decisions…’

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Published on 11 November 2015
30 Bottoms
Text by
Danny Calvi

Beef on the Hoof
Bird Taker
Bottoming from the Top
Bottomless Pool
Brownie Queen
Bull Nurse
Butch Bottom
Cum Bucket
Gentleman Slut
Helium Heels

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Published on 30 October 2015
Sebastián Silva
Interview by
Danny Calvi
Photography by
Milan Zrnic
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In Santiago, Sebastián Silva used to come and go from an artist collective, a house rented from some Catholic nuns downtown. By the time he was eighteen, he was experimenting with shrooms and rapping in hippy-hop band CHC (Congregacíon de Hermanos Contemplativos). They put out a few records, DIY videos and fanzines — at 36, he's still a hardcore journal keeper, by the way, and a dedicated painter and illustrator too. His creative persuasions eventually took him to New York, not too long after his semi-biographical comedy, The Maid, won over audiences around the world, me included. Since then, he's directed four more movies and a series for HBO called The Boring Life of Jacqueline, all stamped with his intuitive approach to storytelling. I met Sebastián at his apartment in Brooklyn just as his most recent film, Nasty Baby, about a gay couple trying to conceive with their female BFF, hits screens.

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Published on 23 October 2015
Photography by
Georg F.W. Rohlfing
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25-year-old student Marius in Berlin (originally from Tromsø, Norway) sometimes moonlights as a mushroom forager to earn a bit of pocket money. Here he is in Schorfheide, a so-called biosphere reserve in Brandenburg, near the Polish border. Marius also enjoys dancing, working out and playing with his hair.

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Published on 19 October 2015
Prem Sahib
Text by
Danny Calvi
Photography by
Mark Blower
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It's Frieze Week in London, and BUTT's placing all bets on Prem Sahib, not that it's a competition or anything. It's just that his show at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, full of alluring surfaces and innuendos, is such a fascinating deconstruction of gay space, while his more petit, adjunct show at Southard Reid confirms Prem's status as this season's go-to guy for conceptual art.

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Published on 14 October 2015