Exclusive interviews, stories, art and more.

Photography by
Stathis Geo
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On the November splash page: slice o' ass courtesy of Stathis 'Not Without My Calvins' Geo in Athens, Greece. He photographed Vasillis' tempting buns in his most treasured pair — with holes in all the right places — of Calvin Klein underwear.

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Published on 11 November 2015
30 Bottoms
Text by
Danny Calvi

Beef on the Hoof
Bird Taker
Bottoming from the Top
Bottomless Pool
Brownie Queen
Bull Nurse
Butch Bottom
Cum Bucket
Gentleman Slut
Helium Heels

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Published on 30 October 2015
Sebastián Silva
Interview by
Danny Calvi
Photography by
Milan Zrnic
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In Santiago, Sebastián Silva used to come and go from an artist collective, a house rented from some Catholic nuns downtown. By the time he was eighteen, he was experimenting with shrooms and rapping in hippy-hop band CHC (Congregacíon de Hermanos Contemplativos). They put out a few records, DIY videos and fanzines — at 36, he's still a hardcore journal keeper, by the way, and a dedicated painter and illustrator too. His creative persuasions eventually took him to New York, not too long after his semi-biographical comedy, The Maid, won over audiences around the world, me included. Since then, he's directed four more movies and a series for HBO called The Boring Life of Jacqueline, all stamped with his intuitive approach to storytelling. I met Sebastián at his apartment in Brooklyn just as his most recent film, Nasty Baby, about a gay couple trying to conceive with their female BFF, hits screens.

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Published on 23 October 2015
Photography by
Georg F.W. Rohlfing
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25-year-old student Marius in Berlin (originally from Tromsø, Norway) sometimes moonlights as a mushroom forager to earn a bit of pocket money. Here he is in Schorfheide, a so-called biosphere reserve in Brandenburg, near the Polish border.

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Published on 19 October 2015
Prem Sahib
Text by
Danny Calvi
Photography by
Mark Blower
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It's Frieze Week in London, and BUTT's placing all bets on Prem Sahib, not that it's a competition or anything. It's just that his show at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, full of alluring surfaces and innuendos, is such a fascinating deconstruction of gay space, while his more petit, adjunct show at Southard Reid confirms Prem's status as this season's go-to guy for conceptual art.

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Published on 14 October 2015
Happy Ending
Text by
Calvin Corvidian
Photography by
Marek Procházka
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'Every Good Boy Deserves Fruit' by Calvin Corvidian is quite possibly the first ever English as a Second Language book that you don't have to pretend to be straight to read. Calvin, who is both a teacher of other ESL teachers and lifelong student of languages, set out to write a novelette with learner levels in mind, and one directed specifically at gay guys.

And what an entertaining textbook it is! His cheeky gay soap opera, which revolves around a clique of bitchy, predatory gays in the Czech Republic, is as witty as it is instructive, basking in the pleasures of a colloquial Euro-English, and maybe even giving you a hard on.

In the extract below, the student/cleaner, Ivana, attempts to help sharpen the verbal skills of her closet case boyfriend, Dan, who is the book's primary object of desire.

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Published on 12 October 2015
Photography by
Pawel Tkaczyk
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Pawel Tkaczyk from Warsaw, Poland submitted this photo of 20-year-old Gracjan sitting very comfortably in Wojtek's sleek backwash unit. Wojtek, a hairdresser by trade, is 31-years-old.

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Published on 05 October 2015
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Synthpop act Boytronic was ‘founded by accident’ in 1983 by an underage Holger Wobker and Peter Sawatzki in Hamburg, Germany. As Kapitän Sehnsucht, they were busy making soundtracks for sex shows in the city’s red light Reeperbahn district not long before being discovered by a Mercury Records rep. Their best-known hit ‘You’, which peaked at number ten in German charts, just got a grand re-issue treatment from Josh Cheon’s Dark Entries Records.

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Published on 02 October 2015
Pen Pals
Photography by
Elliott Brown Jr.
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What a promising moment, just between summer and fall, when the second-to-last-semester NYU photography student Elliott Brown Jr. shot these six fellas in that soft and lovely daylight before the autumnal equinox.

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Published on 23 September 2015
Abdellah Taïa
Interview by
Ahmed Ibrahim
Photography by
Bruno Staub
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Abdellah Taïa was destined to be a writer. Born in the public library where his father was a janitor, he grew up in Salé, a city near the Moroccan capital Rabat. Determined to learn French and study abroad, he won a scholarship and lifted himself out of his impoverished and hostile surroundings, and eventually became known as the North African country's only out homosexual. These days, he considers himself Parisian, continuing his writing practice from his Belleville studio in the 20th arrondissement. Away from his desk, nothing gives Abdellah more pleasure than his frequent trips to the cinema. New York-based, Egyptian filmmaker Ahmed Ibrahim and Abdellah spoke about gay life in their respective home countries, and Abdellah's recent stint as film director, when he adapted his most beloved book 'Salvation Army' for the big screen.

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Published on 11 September 2015
Photography by
Peter Berlin
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Gay liberation icon Peter Berlin (AKA the Greta Garbo of Porn) has brought his mail order photography to the ClampArt fine art gallery this month for 'Wanted: Peter Berlin', an exhibition of self-portraits from the '70s and '80s.

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Published on 09 September 2015
Interview and photography by
Danny Calvi
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I caught up with Bottoms — drummer Michael Prommasit, screamer Jake Dibeler, and knob twiddler Simon Leahy — in Amsterdam during their last Euro tour. For the next episode of Pillowtalk, we're chilling with some of their fav dark wav and industrial slow jams, and previewing an exclusive Soft Pink Truth remix of their track 'Boring'.

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Published on 04 September 2015
Photography by
Bob Mizer
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Nick Ibanez (circa 1981, as seen above) and John Davidson (circa 1965, gracing BUTT's splash page this month) were just two of the many, many hot tamales photographed by the late, great Bob Mizer in his now-infamous Athletic Model Guild studio in Los Angeles, California.

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Published on 01 September 2015
Text by
Danny Calvi
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Fans of the late great Rainer Werner Fassbinder will want to make a beeline for 'Fassbinder — NOW', an exhibition at the Martin-Gropius-Bau in Berlin, before it closes this Sunday. Highlights include Barbara Baum's sailor costumes from his lurid film Querelle, based on the Genet novel.

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Published on 17 August 2015
Boxers for Sale
Drawing by
Stuart Scott
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Yo guys! Stuart of London likes to draw the fellas he meets online. Here, 31-year-old, rugby-playing builder Zach has put up a new offer on an adult mail order site. Know that all orders include extra loads of semen to 'keep yourself young'.

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Published on 10 July 2015
Video by
Wakefield Poole
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The ambitious team of film enthusiasts at Dirty Looks have put together a thirty-one day program of queer interventions (mostly film screenings) in various locations across New York City during the month of July. Tonight, they show the beautifully restored version of Wakefield Poole's experimental porn masterpiece, Bijou, at The Eagle. Watch a clip and...

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Published on 08 July 2015
Piss Slave
Text by
Danny Calvi
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May the leather gods smile down on Ben and Guy at Chapter Records in Melbourne, Australia for re-issuing a very trashy collection of BDSM rockers by Smokey. By the time they committed 'Piss Slave', the slap happy disco track about watersports, to tape, Smokey had already had it with being the most influential gay rockers you had never heard. Stream, listen, and...

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Published on 03 July 2015
30 Gay Beaches
Text by
Danny Calvi

Baker Beach
Black's Beach
Cherry Grove
Clifton 3rd
Coco Beach
Es Cavallet
Fire Island Pines
Ginger Rogers State Beach
Gunnison Beach
Haulover Beach
Herring Cove
Hi Beach
Hilton Beach
Hollywood Beach

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Published on 01 July 2015
Jimmy Somerville
Interview by
Danny Calvi
Photography by
Devin Blair
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54-year-old Scot Jimmy Somerville arrives at his manager's office on bicycle, whizzing past the photographer and I, who have stopped to gawk at a parked Maserati among the council estates. He's compact and fit, perfectly suited for the hazards of cycling in London. With his former bandmates in Bronski Beat, Jimmy wrote two of the most iconic gay anthems, 'Smalltown Boy' (pink triangle emblazoned across its seven inches) and 'Why?' in 1984, when queers had few allies under Reagan and Thatcher. With his alarm call of a voice, which extends over three full octaves and has been known to shatter glass on occasion, he had continued success with The Communards, plus a steady stream of solo records. This year, he released 'Homage', a collection of instant disco classics, and now his sound is taking a surprising detour.

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Published on 26 June 2015
Drawing by
Michael Kirwan
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Fabulous illustrator Robert W. Richards is in Berlin to present a book from his exhibition by the same name, Stroke: From Under the Mattress to the Museum Wall, in which he collected some overlooked, but definitely worth-looking-at pornographic illustrators who drew during his heyday...

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Published on 24 June 2015