The Prostitute
Photography by
Halez Eldar
Until recently the handsome Halez Eldar, 30, made a good living as a callboy, or ‘Stricher’, as they say in German. He worked in a ‘Puff’, or brothel, but he got most of his business from GayRomeo, where he kept visitors coming by regularly posting new self-portraits. He often staged these images after old photos that he found in books from his father’s library. Perhaps that’s why some of them appear so classy and timeless. The ones where he looks like a businessman worked best for getting tricks. Halez lives in Düsseldorf where he now works as a sculptor. He’s not really called Halez Eldar, by the way. The name came to him in a dream in 2008, which is quite unbelievable in itself!
As published in BUTT 29.
Published on
11 November 2011