Paper Penis Project
Why do the hard facts of having (or not having) a cock and balls determine our lives in the way that they do? It’s something writer Kevin Killian has always wondered about. It’s a question that led him to pick up a camera and start ‘Tagged’, a photography project in which he makes portraits of some of his favorite men with a certain Raymond Pettibon penis drawing tacked on.
Many of the models (mostly artists, writers, musicians, filmmakers Kevin knows from the Bay Area) wind up simply holding the paper thin penis over their junk. He suspects ‘there must be a Darwinian adaptation’ that makes our hands gravitate to our dicks. Kevin has shot about eighty different guys so far, but he’s always looking for more.
It’s your last chance to see the mini-exhibition of some of Kevin’s ‘Tagged’ photos plus a poem at White Columns’ Bulletin Board project space. It runs through 15 December at 320 West 13th Street in New York City. More info here.