The Hex

Text by
Francesco Dama
Photography by
Oliver Andrew Evans

If AA Bronson was a card in the tarot, he would be The Magician. That card is all about discovering and making use of one’s might. For his first solo show at Maureen Paley, AA Bronson: Hexenmeister, he has brought his unique combination of esotericism and homosexual subculture to the London gallery.

Before the private view last Saturday, early arrivals could witness a performance in which Bronson swept the gallery sidewalk to ‘clean’ the entrance and surrounds — and to activate the energy of the broom itself — a gesture the artist describes as ‘good witchcraft’.

At the center of the exhibition stands ‘Treehouse’, a hut made from a single ash tree (with assistance from fellow artist Adrian Hermanides) that functions as shamanic shelter and sauna cubicle (the cloth which covers the structure was woven by San Francisco’s own ‘action weaver’ Travis Meinolf). A taxidermied fox and magpie stand guard outside. Bronson’s planning some quicky private and public performances for the hut this spring.

The show also features a room devoted to the popular Queer Zines exhibit as well as pieces dating back to his time with General Idea, including a monumental painting of some lustful, flourescent poodles.

AA Bronson: Hexenmeister runs through 31 May 2015 at Maureen Paley at 21 Herald Street in London, E2 6JT.

Published on 22 April 2015