Pup Voltzy
Last month at Honcho Campout, the week-long, fagtastic music festival in the backwoods of Pennsylvania, a little yellow flyer appeared, stapled to trees by the riverbank. “Piss On Voltzy”, it said, with handwritten instructions and a portrait of the eager pup in question. “All welcome”. I pictured the hopeful pup Xeroxing away at a print shop to make his dream come true. There was something touching about it. I met him by chance on one of the dancefloors, wearing his signature yellow-accented gear and urinal backpack, flyers in hand. It was like meeting a local celebrity. ‘Arf!’ he said with a sweet midwestern twang. ‘It’d mean a lot to me if you came!’ How could I say no to such a good boy? The next day, my camp lazed around, nursing hangovers and planning outfits. I roused my friends. ‘Come on, guys, we have to go pee on this pup!’ We followed the flyer’s directions to the a bridge over a river, and were amazed when we saw an army of 200 people, standing in a semicircle around the wiggling, barking, and already-slick doggo, each waiting their turn. Some went as singles and some as groups. Some delivered the goods with entertaining camp and some with seriously horny gusto. Some unleashed waterfalls, while a pee-shy-many barely managed a trickle. But after every piss-formance, the entire crowd would erupt in applause. And at the end, the praise the pissers got paled in comparison to Voltzy’s standing ovation. I tracked down this puppy prince for a report from the other end of the stream.
Julian: How did this whole Honcho piss-a-thon come about?
Voltzy: This was my fourth time coming to Honcho Campout. My birthday typically falls on Honcho, or very near to it. On my third year, it didn’t quite line up, but I still wanted to do something special. I kind of tried to word-of-mouth a big group pissing on me, but times kept getting confused, day, location. By the time it rolled around only a couple of people actually showed up. It wasn’t quite a success, but I knew I wanted to try again, perhaps with a bit more thought and intention, and see if I could pull it off. I even left myself a note, ‘Hey next year, plan this a little more, maybe some flyers or something.’ At 3AM the morning before leaving, I realized I hadn’t printed the flyers yet. I messaged the artist that made the art that’s on it, and luckily they got back to me within an hour and I was able to throw something together at the very last minute.
How did you get into pup play?
I started doing pup play back in 2019. I was in college in a small town, and there was a cute boy who was a pup. I’d seen pup stuff online and was curious about it, but he was the first pup I’d ever met in real life. He invited me over to try on his puppy hood and taught me a bit about the headspace. That night I was like, ‘I guess I’ve gotta order my puppy hood! Gotta figure out my puppy name’”
Do you think that your puppy persona allows you to be more sexually free?
For sure. Sexually free, socially free. I am me – it’s all stuff that I want to do, but it gives me an excuse to do more. It can trick your brain into thinking, ‘Well, this isn’t my identity. It isn’t going to come back to me. If I like it, then great, if not, I tried it.’ For a lot of people, putting on a hood allows them to interact more socially, when normally they would have some social anxiety.
And what about watersports?
Watersports is probably the first fetish or kink I ever accepted myself as having. It’s kind of two-faceted. Part of it goes back to first seeing other guys with their dicks out at urinals. Whether it was an association of, ‘Oh, I like that dick,’ or ‘Oh, I like the peeing,’ or a combination of both, there was a general feeling of, ‘Oh, I like this.’
There’s a lot of piss in the dog world – marking territory, communication. Is there a connection between the two for you?
Yeah. A lot of puppies, even if they aren’t into watersports, will still raise their leg every so often, even if they aren’t actually peeing. Just to get into the headspace. Marking your territory, marking others if you like them.
Is degradation part of it for you?
Oh, definitely! I mean, I can be into watersports in a lot of different ways. If somebody is not into being degrading with it, then I can still enjoy it, but degradation is very fun to me. It can be very fun putting yourself in different shoes, where you are below everyone. I find it very relaxing to not have to put a lot of thought into what I do or what I want to do and just submitting.
There was something touching about your flyer. Even before we met, I had this image of you in your hood, standing over the copy machine at a print shop.
I was very humbled by the turnout. I wasn’t expecting that many people to show up, by any means. I knew that there would be my friends and a few people. While I was crossing Rainbow Bridge to put up some extra fliers with arrows, people were shouting, ‘There’s Voltzy! There’s Voltzy!’ They were already over there looking for me.
How many people do you think pissed on you?
I wish I had somebody there counting. I was so enthralled in the moment, that I didn’t even try to pay attention. There was one guy who came up and peed on me four different times, I don’t know how his bladder did it. Then there’s the total amount of pee-ers versus total amount of pees. The estimate I’ve gotten is that there were about 200 people watching, with about 100 coming up to pee on me.
When did the applause start?
It started a bit before the time posted because the first people to show up were like, ‘We gotta pee, can we go?’ I want to say that the clapping started from the beginning and built from there. It got to a point where people were trying to figure out creative ways to get bigger claps.
Yes! There were full-on performances!
There was one group that tried to synchronize, there was one person who came over with a couple of helpers to lift their dress–
That was me. I was one of the helpers.
Seeing all the different ways of peeing on me was really great.
It felt pretty wholesome. Were you disappointed that it wasn’t more degrading?
In general with Honcho Campout, I try to set intentions, but I go in very open. I was like, ‘Whatever happens, happens – I’m going to have fun as long as there’s pee involved.’ There were some people who made it a little degrading. I had little moments of intimacy with every person that came up. I had a little conversation and would thank them for peeing on me. For some of them it was very sexual. There were definitely some people getting hard while they were peeing.
There was that one group of three Alpha dudes who went up and pissed without any hesitation. I was like, ‘I hope Voltzy got their numbers…’
Unfortunately, not…but if they want to reach out, I’m definitely open to a follow-up.
Do you think you would have had the courage to put yourself out there like that without the anonymity of the pup hood?
At this point in my life, puppy play has really allowed me to explore a lot of things and build up my confidence – both in my hood and out of it. It’s special to me, being in my puppy hood for moments like that, but not so much for the anonymity of it. It’s more about giving homage to where I came from. I’ve been a puppy for so long, that whether I have my hood on or not, I’m very much in that open headspace. I have lost a lot of hangups because I’ve had so many positive experiences with people as a pup. It’s allowed me to own all these things about myself.
Where did that fabulous urinal backpack come from?
I made it! I hope to start selling them soon. A lot of people in the watersports community have been asking me where I got it. I’m open to seeing it go out into the world and have other people enjoy it.
Where else in the world can you get 200 queer people together for a pee thing in the middle of the woods?
So what’s next for Pup Voltzy?
In the puppy paradise of Pittsburgh, where I live, I’ve wanted to throw a watersports party for a while now. I actually did one there during Pride, where we had demonstrations and an interactive section where people can pee on me – and on others, if they are interested. In Pittsburgh there is a pretty tight-knit fetish and kink community with a lot of different facets represented. I think there’s enough people to warrant something like that.
Did you come with a bunch of other Pittsburgh pups?
We had a huge, huge group of puppies coming from Pittsburgh. Every year we have more. Last year, I brought three puppy friends for their first time, and this year I brought at least six more. It’s great, getting to expose more and more people who are special to me in my local community to the experience. I mean, where else in the world can you get 200 queer people together for a pee thing in the middle of the woods?
Armed with only a flier, a staple gun, and a dream.
With a day’s notice!